Caregivers Register Here specializes in placing live-out and live-in senior caregivers, nannies, and housekeepers in Canadian and American homes. If you are an experienced and well-mannered nanny, senior caregiver or housekeeper looking for employment, you have come to the right place. Even if you are just breaking into this growing industry and have the right credentials and attitude, we can help. Through our application and screening process, you can sign-up and have our recruiters actively advertise, search and match you with employers. All you need to do to start is to email your resume, and supporting documents, copies of your diplomas, certificates of achievement and awards. Ensure the phone number on your resume is the best number to reach you because we will call to interview you for suitability. Make sure your resume has the most accurate information you can provide. Within a few days, after we interview you and you pass our criteria, you will be posted to our website for free and accessible to many families.

Moving forward, you no longer have to work for an agency. This can save you from the hassle of new placements every day or week. Our placements tend to be long-term with the same family. Salary and terms of work are negotiated with the family. The benefit of the family paying you directly is all the money ends up in your pockets. We don’t charge employers ongoing fees, so they save money, and you will earn more. At, we believe that if you work for your money, then you should keep all of your money.

Read our Worker Services Agreement.